The available booking methods: online, postal and phone, are described below. We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment, and that you email or phone us to check availability.
Online Booking (with phone payment)
Complete the form below, which submits your choice of event, required number of places, names and ages and contact details. We will reply by email.
Then, to confirm the booking, please pay the one third deposit by:
- Telephone, 01793 771080 with a credit or debit card.
- Phone between 8.30am and 10pm. If there is no answer, please leave a message and we will return your call.
- Bank transfer, please ask us for our bank details.
- Sending a cheque, to ‘Lower Shaw Farm Ltd’, Lower Shaw Farm, Old Shaw Lane, Shaw, Swindon, SN5 5PJ
All bookings are provisional until the deposit or full payment is received (please see our Terms and Conditions below). On receipt of the deposit we will send a receipt and joining instructions.
Please complete all fields marked *, specifying numbers of Adults, Children, Names and Ages where applicable.
Working Weekends
To book a Working Weekend, please send us an email either by clicking the link for your desired date on the WWOOF Working Weekends page or in the monthly events pages.
A choice of accommodation is available for some events, including Veranda and Farmhouse rooms. Some events can be booked as non-residential.
If an event with a choice of accommodation is selected from the "Select an event" menu below, the available options will be shown under Accommodation Options.
Postal Booking
Download the printable booking form linked below. Print and complete the form, and send it to us by post along with a cheque. Please do not send cash by post. Our address is on the form.
Lower Shaw Farm Printable Booking Form 2025 (PDF file)
Booking by Phone
You may also book by phone if you are paying by credit or debit card. Tel: 01793 771080.
Whatever your method of booking, you will be sent a written confirmation, details of what you should bring, and a map with instructions on how to find us.
Terms and Conditions of Booking
1. There is a deposit of one third of the total price payable on booking. Until the deposit or full payment is received the booking is treated as provisional. We regret that no reductions can be made in respect of late arrival, early departure or absence during any part of the course. After paying the deposit you will receive a receipt and confirmation of your booking. This is also an invoice for the balance, which is payable two weeks before the course.
2. We accept payment by credit card, debit card, bank transfer, or cheque. If you choose to pay by cheque, please make it payable to Lower Shaw Farm Ltd.
1. If it is necessary for you to cancel your booking please inform us as soon as possible. All deposits are non–refundable but are transferable if one month’s notice is given. If cancellation is made more than two weeks before the course, the balance minus the deposit will be refunded. Refunds of the balance cannot be given if cancellation is made less than two weeks before the start of the course.
2. Lower Shaw Farm reserves the right to cancel a course for whatever reason, which may include insufficient numbers, the availability tutors, or other reasons beyond our control. In this event, however, your course fee will be refunded in full. Every endeavour will be made to inform you of this at least one week prior to the course. Lower Shaw Farm can accept no further liability for course cancellations beyond the course fee refund.
3. Lower Shaw Farm reserves the right to refuse to accept any booking without stating a reason.