December 2025

Carols by Candlelight

Sat 13 December
6pm – 7.30pm
Adult £7
Child £3
Tickets on the door, cash or card

An old-fashioned twenty-first century evening in the farmyard and the old cowshed, with all the right seasonal ingredients to eat, drink, see, hear, and sing! A roaring fire to keep us warm; surprise entertainments and singalongs; and cartloads of carols for us all to sing, together.

This event raises money for local charities. Price includes seasonal hot drink and mince pie.

Suitable for all ages. Dress up warm and bring a torch.

December Working Weekend

Fri 12 – Sun 14 December
No charge

This is a chance to get to know the farm, turn your hand to old jobs and new, enjoy good company and good food too!

An opportunity to have bright ideas by the compost heap, happy talk in the hen house, and cool chat in the kitchen. Join us to prove that many hands make light work and that today’s stranger is tomorrow’s friend.

Our Working Weekends are run in the beautiful spirit of the WWOOF organisation: we feed and accommodate you, you work, with us.

For more information on WWOOF, see

To request a place on this Working Weekend, please email

December 2025 Events

Sat 13

Carols by Candlelight

Fri 12 – Sun 14

Working Weekend

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